Much Ado About Nothing
by William Shakespeare, directed by Diana McDonnell-Pascoe
Being offered the chance to be a Director is amazing. Choosing to adapt, abridge and modernise a Shakespearean play with a cast of thousands on your debut is nothing short of utter madness! Yet, here we are and here you are about to sit and watch something that has been utter magic for me to do from start to finish. To be able to take an idea, share it with a group of highly experienced theatre folk (some of whom are also highly experienced directors) and craft it into a ninety-odd minute story that engages you, makes you smile and laugh, creates dramatic tension and delivers, of course, a happily-ever-after is one of the most creatively thrilling experiences one could ever hope to have. I always knew that if I was going to direct a play, it would be with Chelsfield Players because of their acting and technical ability, professionalism and most of all, their heart. Having a mentor programme has meant that I have felt incredibly supported as I stumbled along the way and I would like to specifically thank my mentor, Pat Walls for her support. I would also like to thank all my cast and crew for making this such a fun collaboration…
The CastAntonia – Emily Kindley
Beatrice – Marie Hurding Benedick – Patrick Neylan Borachio – Andy Haggerty Claudio – Nina Noss Conrade – James Insley Dogberry – Norman Bailey Don Pedro – Dave Bacon Don John – Jo East Friar Francis – Gill Bacon Hero – Cynthia Hearing Leonata – Phillipa Rooke Margaret – Patricia Walls Messenger – Nick Barnett Sexton – Ken Clarke The Watch – Phil George and Nick Barnett Ursula – Jo Clent Verges – Keith Wishart The Crew
Production Manager – Madeline McCubbin
Stage Manager – Derek Alsey Prompt – Ann Blatcher Lighting & Sound – Emma Christmas Costume – Debbie Griffiths |
"Fantastic performance and production from Chelsfield Players tonight. Brilliant fun! Such an emotional rollercoaster. Well done all."
"Wow! What a show! 'Much Ado About Nothing' was entertaining , amusing and moving. It was a great idea setting it in the 50s. The costumes were fantastic and the acting superb!" |
"A superb evening’s entertainment"